MG GS 2016 Car Review
About this Review
- Review by :: cmriii02
- YallaMotor Rank: Baby Yalla
- about 1 year ago
- cmriii02 owns this car and bought it brand new
Price paid for this car: AED: 70,000 - 2 out 3 people found this review helpful
Review: MG GS 2016 by cmriii02
My take on interior features: Positives - lots of features found in other expensive options in different brands. Negatives - lots of hard plastic.
My take on exterior features: Can be compared to a Hyundai Tucson if your looking at it side ways. Great front but quite small looking in the back
My take on driving performance: It has been thus far a pleasant ride. Been driving it everyday from Jebel Ali to Deira. AC has been great, although quite noisy (using auto controls), some wind noise but not an issue at least for me.
My take on how practical this car is: Very practical..
My take on the price tag & value for money: It is good money..if you are not considering on buying or changing cars every 3years..then this car might be good value. but i just bought it for a couple of months so hope it wont have give me headache anytime soon..(fingers cross)
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