Car Definitions

What does Active Understeer Control (AUC) mean?

A driving characteristic usually associated with front-wheel drive cars, wherein the car doesn't turn enough at high speeds.

What does Manual Transmission mean?

A type of transmission that requires drivers to use a clutch and shift manually from one gear to the other.

What does Cold Air Intake mean?

A special pathway near the engine designed to allow more cool air into a car’s engine, thus improving performance.

What does Collision Detection mean?

A collection of sensors that work together to monitor the distance between the vehicle and the one in front of it. This feature is usually bundled with Automatic Emergency Braking that jams the brakes if the driver does not respond in time to prevent a collision.

What does OBD (On-board Diagnostics) mean?

An industry-standard port usually found near the steering column that is used to connect diagnostic equipment and read error codes through a car’s on-board computer.